Monday, December 22, 2008

Diego Maradona Quotes facebook status updates

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"I went to buy a pair of shoes once, and 500 scooters started to follow me. They were waiting for me, it was all planned. Someone must have tipped them off. I was with my wife and daughter. I remember saying 'You can kill me, but don't touch Dalma, or I will quit playing for Napoli.'" Diego Maradona

"Even if there was a hand, it was the hand of God." Diego Maradona, after scoring with his hand against England at World Cup '86

"Stoichkov is a great person and an exceptional player... Only if we had him at Napoli... can you imagine the Stoichkov-Maradona attacking duo? I've had some very hard times in Spain and Stoichkov has always encouraged me to keep going." Diego Maradona

"My legitimate kids are Dalma and Giannina. The rest are a product of my money and mistakes." Diego Maradona

"The problem is that they are all stars at Madrid. You need someone to carry the water to the well." Diego Maradona, on Real Madrid

"I was waiting for my teammates to embrace me and no one came, ... I told them, 'Come hug me or the referee isn't going to allow it.'" Diego Maradona

"The problem is that they are all stars at Madrid. You need someone to carry the water to the well." Diego Maradona

"I did it with the hand of reason." Diego Maradona, after smashing a photographers car

"The goal was scored a little by the hand of god, a little by the head of Maradona." Diego Maradona

"I was, I am and I always will be a drug addict. A person who gets involved in drugs has to fight it everyday." Diego Maradona

"I worked all my life for this. Those who say I dont deserve anything, that it all came easy, can kiss my arse." Diego Maradona, shortly before retirement

"God makes me play well. That is why I always make the sign of the cross when I walk out onto the pitch. I feel I would be betraying him if I didn't." Diego Maradona

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