Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Karthik Calling Karthik Movie Review

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..As a psychological thriller, I enjoyed it. It is nice to see such psychological thriller made by Hindi film industry. Nevertheless as usual I find lack of research, when preparing script. It is true that some poor psychiatrists, easily diagnose Schizophrenia on single delusion or an auditory hallucination, but as I understand that schizophrenia is serious mental illness which invades the whole personality. A man functioning relatively normally, does not develop schizophrenia and at the same time improve his function in work and love life. Karthik's mental state was of a depressed person. It is possible for a depressed person to be in a dissociated state. A diagnosis, modern psychiatrist does not easily entertain as it cannot be treated with medication. (one makes diagnosis to support pharma industries). If Karthik was bullied by older brother and if he got killed, and Karthik felt, even irrationally responsible for him, then he could develop submissiveness and further dissociative state. Unfortunately in favour of diagnosis of Schizophrenia, childhood story has been made figment of his imagination. Why would he develop this figment of imagination? what were gains to his personality from that false belief. If it was a part of schizophrenia, how he started functioning better with active symptomatology. i.e phone calls.A psychological angel was taken for Shona as well, but her disturbaces to confession of phone call was not convincing.Enjoyed performance and music.

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