Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tiger woods status updates funny

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-would like to remind Tiger that he who drives well on the fairway... does NOT fair well in the driveway!
-wonders how many women, would a Tiger Woods woody if a Tiger Woods would woody women? He would woody as many women could he until Woody gets hit by a 3 woody.
-needs you to do him a huge favor. Can you please, uh, take my name off your facebook list?
-had a tough day, where, on his second ho, he drove through a water hazard and into the trees...
-thinks it's times like these where he asks himself... What would Tiger do?
-is wondering if she is the only one who hasn't had sex with Tiger.
-isn't sure what a "transgression" is, but dang, I want to get me some of that!
-can't believe Tiger's response as to why he had "transgressions"... "They're Grrrreat!"
-is shocked that Nike is changing their slogan after Tiger's "transgressions" to "Just Do Me!"
-heard that Tiger is giving up golf, and becoming an actor... His 1st movie: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Transgressions"
-thinks the beauty of this viral campaign will become apparent when one of Tiger's mistresses
-appears in Playboy with a Nike tattoo on her butt.
-read that "Tiger is ready to quit golf to save his marriage" - I'm no therapist but I am pretty sure quitting other women would be even more effective.

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